
Puncak Pandemi di Australia, Kanguru Mengambil Alih Pusat Kota Setelah Jalan-jalan Dibiarkan Kosong Karena Warga Terpaksa Tinggal di Dalam Rumah

Devi 15 Oct 2021, 10:10
Foto : Daily Star
Foto : Daily Star

RIAU24.COM  - A swarm of Kangaroos can be seen taking over Canberra's very deserted CBD, while residents are cooped up at home amid lockdown. Footage has surfaced on TikTok from September, showing three Kangaroos jumping through the once bustling Civic Center in the nation's capital.  

"Lockdown in Canberra, put the kangaroos in power now," the statement read.

The unusual sight was filmed five weeks after the lockdown as a trio of kangaroos took advantage of the sleepy city center free of residents. Amused TikTok users took videos to show how amazing it is to see nature reclaim the city. 


' It's amazing how nature reclaims itself,' wrote one netizen.

'Pengambilalihan kanguru. Kanguru lebih banyak berada di luar daripada manusia lokal saat ini,' komentar yang lain. 

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